Dynamically load pages into a DIV

Actually having a dynamically loaded sub pages (views) will become very easy soon when we finish our routing control :slight_smile:

That is actually the whole point of client side routing - to render dynamic areas (sub pages/views) dependent on the route / query string

So finally you can have a full blown Single Page App (SPA) where you actually have all the views in separated files being loaded when required. This makes it all very manageable.


Me too Brad, me too, in fact every couple months i still have to make alterations to it, every time i open the site I think, Why, just WHY? EDIT: It was another dev that wrote the site initially that I employed for a short time, not really me that did it, I am however stuck with the problem though.

@George, I can not wait to see this next update, if the DMXZone update emails I am getting are anything to go by as a preview of what should be in the new version, then I am very excited, and actually can not believe how you and the team take what us users are asking for and add in those features when you can. Thank you.

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Well the routing won’t be in the next update - we already have such a huge amount of new stuff in there.
But probably the upcoming updates after - as we have the ground work now in place :slight_smile:

I wasn’t even referring to the routing as yet, I want that browser2 component though, so holding my breath here, hmmm i have a sneaky suspicion you may have added parts of that because of some of my silly work arounds, lol, thank you.

Oh yes :slight_smile: the new browser component is so much powerful - you can do so much conditional styling depending on the scroll position, like parallax scrolling, restyling the menu when it scrolls away, popping a alert box when user reaches the bottom… so much great stuff :slight_smile:


It is a good introduction and helped me consider options I’ve yet to discover. Also, I always learn some extra tips from watching your demos.

Thanks Tom, much appreciated, it can be scary sometimes doing video or written tutorials because I am sort of putting myself right in the firing line of many people with far more experience than me. But I suppose even when i do silly things and someone speaks out at least i also learn something new.
From my last tutorial I did a while ago, my poor nails are still trying to grow back :slight_smile:

I do not believe this is going to happen. this was all that was missing in the wappler.

Well, actually it is going to happen and it has been planned a while ago already. :slight_smile:


You guys really Rock!

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Great, with the recent updates, have we achieved this. I am trying to load webpages into my dashboard. Any tips, since iframe is not available…

That’s quite a lot of work and it is still under development. There will be more news soon.

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Hi All,

any sneaky updates on the Routing module?


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Next update please…OR?

Routing is now our next top priority :slight_smile: so we are working on hard and will try to get it ASAP.
As many people are waiting for it

It is just so extensive to do, so that is why it takes a while.
Also your whole website have to be setup well to optimally perform it.

Anyway more details will follow up!


That’s sounds great!!! Extensive yes, but so important these days. Make it good :). We are currently building our site, using SSI with hope it integrates with the new module. Are we on the right track. Our should i hold Dev for a while due to breaking changes.

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You shouldn’t have problems with existing setup.

The new routing module will work as additional, actually you will have two options, that can be combined:

  • client side routing and dynamic div loading
  • server side full routing through a single index file

Client side routing and full SPA functionality has been now fully implemented in Wappler 1.9.1

