Dynamic url in Security Restrict

I add a parameter to the redirect url in Security Restrict to specify a page to redirect to on login. So:


This works really well for static routes, I’m now trying to add a dynamic part to a URL:


which redirects to:


I’ve tried with an optional parameter in the path (this provides a picker for the id but it’s blank)

I then type in the GET variable I want to use (so $_GET.id) but it returns as text on redirect.

I’ve also tried just typing into the URL, which does the same.

Not sure if this is a bug, can’t be done, or I’m doing it wrong!

What I want is to redirect if not logged in to:


to enable redirect on login to:


Any ideas of other ways to achieve this?

There are several discussion about this on the forum, Basically it works best if you use routing, something like this.


Thanks Brian,

I have routing set up and it works fine using a link on the page.

The issue is specifically around populating the route dynamically from within Security Restrict which doesn’t seem to work as I’d expect.

Could this be the cause of the problem? Just reported

To make this work with a dynamic variable I had to go directly into the code view of the API where I wanted the Security Restrict to pick up that Variable.

In my login page I did the code editor modification to this –

Typed this in the appropriate place in the api login.php page –

“name”: “”,
“module”: “auth”,
“action”: “restrict”,
“options”: {
“provider”: “security2”,
“forbiddenUrl”: “http://localhost:8888/trainings/working_form.php?{{$_POST.username}}”,
“loginUrl”: “http://localhost:8888/trainings/working_form.php?{{$_POST.username}}”

I typed the same thing in forbidden and login urls so I’d get immediate results no matter what.

The page name was bogus – not a real file.
So it had no page to go to but the Inspect console showed my username numbers were a correctly picked up variable.

XHR GET http://localhost:8888/trainings/working_form.php?575216

In Wappler 4.6.1 it’s now possible to use dynamic data in routes in security restrict.

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