Dynamic Swiper Only Reading the First record

Can I get some direction where to trouble shoot this? There bullets show 12 records on the bottom of the swiper. It only shows the first image and associated data.

Here’s the code:


In the data picker you picked the image name from under the server connect and not under the swiper data source.
The dynamic part should just be filename:

I believe I understood your reply -

Now no images show up.

What should the initial slide be set too?

What do you mean?

This option is used to set a different initial slide in the swiper. The default one is the first slide.

Thanks - FYI - loving Wappler and it’s abilities. Any thoughts on why I’m not seeing any images after the code change?

Probably you picked a wrong expression in the slide source. I see it is just: sc_featured_Swiper.data - you need to pick the database query.

That was it… Thank you

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