Dynamic SlideShow - Setup Basic Questions + Dynamic Video - can/how to do?

I have searched thru the various docs and topics and cant easily find information on setting up a dynamic slideshow. I want to display different slideshows depending on various factors. I have a query which will return the link(to appropriate folder that contains the jpeg/png images in the assets folder) along with title and description. I’m not sure what the image binding is? Do i need child slides (under Slideshow) as placeholders for the dynamic content??

I think i need some really basic info on what structure the slides need to be and then what the dynamic slideshow settings are.

Would really appreciate any guidance on where i can find out this info?

I also want to do something similar for video but cant see anything for dynamic or database driven video and any pointers here would also be appreciated.

Best Regards,


All you need to do is to:

  1. Select Dynamic Slides checkbox
  2. Select your dynamic data source (server connect > query)
  3. Bind the images, title, description etc - whatever you need for your slides:

the image binding is the path to your image.

Thanks - I have a variable number of images depending on the context - is the image binding to the folder with all the images or?

No, ima binding is the binding which returns the path to your image.


i.e. depends on how you store the images in the db.

Hi Teodor, thanks for your help …I’m still struggling a bit - i think , from what you said that the query needs to return links to each page needed in the slideshow. If correct then which of the images do i need to bind with or how do i indicate their are more than the one image binded to?


That’s is done automatically… that’s why you select a slides source (your query). It just loops through all the records returned and creates the slides automatically.

Ahh got it thanks, i need to re-structure a few things but will try it over the weekend.

Is there anything similar for videos so that you can play a video based on returned query?

Many thanks,


You can put the video component in a repeat region and have dynamic video URLs the same way. The video player will be repeated on the page.

great thanks

Hi @Teodor,
I followed steps, but images do not show up. Please can you check.

Hi, can anyone else help me?