Dynamic Repeat with button inside a card, how to select the parent group's ID?

I’m learning Wappler and am excited for what the future holds here. I’m experienced with Bubble and am having a difficult time understanding how to do something seemingly simple here with Wappler and repeats.

Node.js on Wappler Beta 4 11, Intel Mac

I have a repeat with some very basic cards, each with a button for selecting the parent group’s item:

I want to set a cookie value based on the id of the parent group’s item:

In the data bindings I assume I just need to select the id of the parent group so I see this:

And select this:

But, it never works and always uses the value “repeat1[0].id”

I’m wondering how to dynamically select an attribute contained in the parent group’s data item. I appreciate the help!

Try just deleting repeat1[0]. if I understood you correctly you’ll need to select code just next to design and have only id in this case (not sure but something you can try haven’t used cookies yet)


Amazing - it “just works”!

I wrongly assumed that using code and entering “id” would select the id of the button itself. But, using the starter demo data of cars I found that you can use code “make”, for instance, and it knows you’re referring to the parent group’s data attributes.

Thank you for the tip - great stuff!

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