Dynamic Lazy Load Images Inside Repeat in SPA page


I have an SPA page with a repeat. The data source of the repeat has image name in the data set.
This repeat has an IMAGE with dynamic lazy load value set as below.
On page load, the src is blank and no images get rendered.

I also tried just setting lazyloaded as class to the img tag inside repeat, but it still didn’t work.
Then, I tried removing the dynamic lazy load property and put in simple dmx-bind:src. In this case, images are showing, but none of them lazy load.

How do I setup lazy load on the images inside this repeat?
Page link (scroll to “you may also like” section for the repeat):

I don’t know if it makes a difference if it’s an SPA, but have you tried:
dmx-lazyload-dynamic="" dmx-bind:src="https://website.com/images/thumb_{{queryImage.ThumbnailURL}}"

Did not make a difference. :slightly_frowning_face:
Images still loading on page load itself.

Turns out, using data-src instead of just src works.
So right now its set as:
<img dmx-lazyload-dynamic="" dmx-bind:data-src="https://website.com/images/thumb_{{queryImage.ImageURL}}">

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Sorry - that’s what I had used too. I copied your dmx-bind attribute and didn’t notice it was missing the ‘data-’.

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I actually had this code in another SPA page. Did not notice the data- part until now. :sweat_smile:
So, if you would have put in the data- part, I probably still would have read it wrong and replied saying it doesn’t work.

hi hi… just a question could one use the lazy load with


or will it require dmx-bind:data-src=

Don’t think it will work on background image.