Dynamic key on Stripe component does not work

Wappler Version : 3.9.1
Operating System : mac
Server Model: node
Database Type:
Hosting Type:

Expected behavior

I should be able to provide a Stripe publishable key from a server connect response.

Actual behavior

The Stripe object no longer works.

How to reproduce

<dmx-stripe id="stripe1" dmx-bind:key="current_tenant.data.app_settings.where('key', 'stripe_publishable_key', '==')[0].value" checkout="server" session-url="/api/subscriptions/checkout" dmx-on:error="notifies1.danger(lastError)"

Are you sure that this expression used on the page returns a value at all?

Yes…at least after the page is loaded. So I’m wondering if the Stripe object is trying to init before the server connect runs?

This has been improved with the Wappler 3.9.2 update, do you still have an issue with it?

No I don’t have any more issues with this…it is now working.