I don’t see those dynamic options in the properties when I click on an image…
I don’t see anything that says Dynamic Attributes or a plus sign when I click on an Image.
You need the App Connect framework added in order to use the Dynamic Attributes. Add it from the frameworks menu:
Maybe it’s a good idea to check the Getting Started and How To docs, so you can learn the basics before start buildings apps/sites.
Ok. Thanks. I’m very visual so videos are best but every video I watch looks out dated already. Hard to follow since they expect me to know stuff already. Thanks though. Maybe Wappler is just not a good match for me. Seems too advanced.
The tutorials are very much image-based, so these might suit you. You could go through the first few how to tutorials to begin with. Some are literally a matter of one or two clicks, but each is illustrated with screenshots.
Next it might be worth trying the excellent tutorial Teodor created today for example. You might find that in a pretty short time you can produce something quite advanced, and likely to be a useful feature. It’s a great example of using Wappler: to get the most out of it, some logical and creative thinking is required, but it can be realised very efficiently, using a great UI.
If it still seems unfathomable after that, perhaps Wappler is not for you - but you might find a light goes on. Wappler’s not quite like any other software. It won’t be very familiar to anyone starting off.