I had some output set to only display when the user is logged in (it’s actually a ‘Log Out’ link in the nav menu) which was working fine but now isn’t so I’m assuming it’s a bug introduced in the latest version.
But that's not the way to check this. You cannot check session like this with this syntax in a dmx-show attribute.
You need to access the logged user ID from the security provider step in your server action, which returns the logged user details, just like explained here:
Yes but you use this wrapped with PHP tags, in some PHP code - not just randomly placing it on your pages.
The same way you cannot just place echo('test') on the page and expect it to work without the PHP tags around it.
I suppose to be technical the correct way in Wappler is via site security and reference to the sitesecurity.identity variable as described in the below post rather than using session variables:
Agreed @Hyperbytes, rather use the correct Wappler way and avoid all the confusion while at the same time making sure all your bindings work correctly and everything is accessable within the interface instead of using custom php and then having to try get Wappler to know what are doing.