Dropzone multi image upload does not work for thumbs for me

Hi, me again

I have a dropzone that accepts multiple images. When the image(s) are uploaded I run through a repeat to resize image, save the image, then resize that image and save as thumb image then i do my db insert

so, it all almost works, except, the thumbs part, if i uploaded 2 images, it resizes 2 images, saves 2 images and also creates 2 thumb images, BUT, both images are of the same image

so here is my flow

and here is the output images on my disk, you see 4 images, 2 resized and 2 thumbs, but the thumbs are of the same image

cant think what i am doing wrong in my flow


Please post some screenshots that show the values/expression you have in the load, resize and save steps. Probably a wrong value is set in some of these steps.

thanks, i attach 3 images, load image, and the 2 saves, as those are the only steps taking dynamic values as such, rest are just image sizes

This expression is wrong. You need to select the path from under the REPEAT in the data picker, not from the File upload step, that’s why you repeat it.

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thank you so much, i though tthat was it, and I could have sworn i had selected the path from the repeat, but obviously not, works like a charm now, thanks for being soooooo quick to reply to things, keeps development flowing along, really is appreciated and for me is what sets wappler team apart from the crowd

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