Dropzone - dynamic attributes not working

Could be similar to Dynamic required validation not working on dropzone in AC2 - #9 by patrick. Haven't checked with AC1.

Setting attributes like accept, data-rule-maxsize, data-msg-maxsize with dmx-bind don't work anymore. Had this configured and working with AC1, from what I remember.

This specific case is for single-file dropzone. Haven't tested multi-file dropzone.

Can you test: dmxDropzone.zip (9.9 KB)

Getting this error on both single and multi file dropzone.

New update: dmxDropzone.zip (9.9 KB)

I like this!

New error: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Getting it repeatedly for all dynamic bindings on this element.

Don't get that in my test, but have an idea what it can be.

Here an other try: dmxDropzone.zip (9.9 KB)

This seems to be working well for both single and multi file uploads. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Fixed in Wappler 7 beta 15