It depends on the extensions used for the database connections in Dreamweaver. If you used DMXzone Server Connect Database Connector then it should show in Wappler, if you used an other extension or the Server Behaviors in Dreamweaver then it will not show in Wappler.
@patrick I used only DMX extensions when developing the site with Dreamweaver. Most of the server actions display and work. I was able to do most of the updates using Wappler. It is just some of them, maybe the more complicated with a couple of joins and conditions that do not. Can I maybe attach one or 2 of them for you to see if possible to just change 1 or 2 things manually instead of redoing the whole action?
Normally we have an update procedure that should read the old database actions and convert them to the new structure. If you don’t see the result as expected, send us the action file
Ok, finally got back to working on these actions. So the attached action which should return a lot of records but returns nothing if I add one condition which should just filter out 1 record of the many. I added before and after editing the action screenshots and files.
Finally got a solution for this. Maybe the database gurus can tell me why this happens:
The archive field in the table was set as smallint, with NULL as default. Using WHERE achive IS NOT EQUAL to 1 I got an empty query result. As soon as I made the default 0 for this field and updated all NULL’s to 0, the query worked fine and records displayed.