Drag window in macOS not working v2

I still have this problem. I open Wappler the project window can’t be moved around.

could you be more specific, which window and where do you grab it to draw?

Maybe add a screen shot with indication where you grab

The complete program window (on macOS). No matter where I grab it it’s fixed. I need ot witch to full size and back to be able to drag it.

Sorry we have no problems dragging the main window:

It occurs from time to time. Also when working for longer time and switching to a new project. The the window got stucked

If you can reproduce it with logging on and include a video, we can try to reproduce it as well. Otherwise it is very difficult to solve something that we can not reproduce.

I try to reprodce it and send you the logfile

Logfile is not being generated.

But I guess it happens after the Project Update info screen appears. I click on cancel and maybe there remains a tranparent layer over the top bar?

Can you make a video showing what happens? I tested changing projects - selecting to update / not to update files but can’t recreate this. Also - are you sure you are not in fullscreen mode?