Drag and drop with change of state of a record

Good morning,

Does anyone use a drag and drop functionality with wappler with recording in a database of the change of state ?


states: in progress, completed, historical
pass an element from one array to another and this records the change of state


Hey Morgan,

I don’t think that you can get something like that straight from Wapplrt UI…
Please take a lookat https://sortablejs.github.io/Sortable/.
Maybe with some javascript code you can do something that will close to what you need.

What exactly is your layout/structure?
I mean you have some Cards in a column and you want when you drag and drop that card to another column this card to change status? (in a few words…)
How exactly you want your project to behave?

assuming each card has a unique ID linked to the content and a state ID then you could use a sortable repeating region and capture the “end of drag” event to fire a server connect to update the state based on the id.

I seem to recall a post similar to this some time ago

Not sure if this helps…

Thanks all, i 'll try