Does anyone know how you specify the chart X axis interval scale?


I am trying to work out how to change the chart scale on horizontal charts.

Is there a way to specify the scale interval on the axis?

Even if I have to add the option manually into the dmx chartjs file.



OK replying to myself as I found a solution after a bit of research but does require editing the dmxChart.js file where it specifies Horizontal bar Charts.

for the Ticks attribute ticks:{beginAtZero:!0, precision: 0} add the “precision: 0” to show integers.

The result is:


Thanks StevenM, appreciated!


@Apple Any other option for this other than changing the code?


I haven’t used charts, but try this:

<dmx-chart id="chart1" dataset-1="" precision="0"></dmx-chart>

If it doesn’t work you’ll need to create a feature request (or change the code as above)

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