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- Before reporting, make sure you have the latest version of Wappler.
- Make sure you have searched the forum first for similar issues being reported
- If it is a general web related issue - do a Google Search first
- Issue tracker is only for bugs and feature requests, in English only.
- Learn how to report bugs effectively
======== TEMPLATE BUG FORM ========
Wappler Version : 2.9.0
Operating System : Catalina
Expected behavior
What do you think should happen?
It should create the MariaDB.
Actual behavior
What actually happens?
How to reproduce
- Detail a step by step guide to reproduce the issue
- A screenshot or short video indicating the problem
- A copy of your code would help. Include: JS, HTML.
- Test your steps on a clean page to see if you still have an issue
Just create a target and enter a root password like "X$8zp>@8nF4{pnk=wiUa".
It appears, generally speaking, that the password length is too long or there is an invalid character in the string. A validation should appear on the password fields. I was able to execute the create by truncating the password.