Do You Hide The Postal Code Field in Stripe Checkout?

I’ve recently seen a lot of my client’s clients struggle to enter their postal code in the stripe checkout, as the field is always off the page to the right until at least the card number has been entered.

It is possible to have Stripe hide the postal code field, which I have just set up.

In the process, I discovered that Stripe isn’t checking my UK based Barclays debit card’s postal code anyway at the time of checking out.
[Edit - it isn’t checking it for small amounts (£1), but it is for larger amounts (£100)]

I’m curious to see if any of you have had the same issue.

My clients are all offering events, so the issue of shipping a product based on a stolen card isn’t a problem, and if any card declined issues come up through Stripe a few hours or days later then they will most likely find that out before the event happens.

Would love to hear thoughts on the topic!

Hi Antony.

Are you sure about this? The digits of the post code are part of the verification process so even if the transaction goes through, I’m sure this is checked.

I always allow that field to be visible as Stripe intended.

This isn’t my postcode:


But Stripe is happy!


Hmm. I can’t believe the post code is ignored. Maybe a chargeback will be implemented at a later stage? Is it worth contacting Stripe to ask them?

I assume the digits are not correct and you’ve not just changed the letters? Sorry, seems obvious but need to be sure.

It looks like Stripe only checks the postcode over a certain amount… I’ve used several cards and postcodes for a £1 payment and they have all gone through…

But I just did a £100 payment with the wrong postcode and it was declined!

Aah, that’s more like it. Why it’s happy for small amounts is bizarre. Unless it costs them to do the verification so they’ve decided it’s worth the risk for small amounts?

Good to know, though. So it looks like you need to keep the field visible on the payment forms.