`dmx-on:click` on dropdown <option> element?

Can dmx-on:click be used on the <option> element in a dropdown? I had tried using a dmx-on:click event to close a modal right after an <option> in a dropdown is selected, but it does not seem to work. In order to test, I tried using different dmx-on:click expressions that do different things, but it just doesnt seem to work when applied to an <option> element in a <select> dropdown. Is this expected?

What are you trying to achieve exactly?

I think i mentioned above. I want to close a modal when a dropdown selection has been clicked.

There are other ways around this, but I created this topic just to get clarity on the general question of if <dmx-on:click> expressions do or do not work when applied to <option> elements in a <select> dropdown.

Just use the value changed dynamic event on the select.

So the answer to my specific question then is “no, <dmx-on:click> does not work when applied to <option> elements in a <select> dropdown” - is that correct?

I’m not trying to be pedantic here and I appreciate the alternative solution, but like I mentioned I am aware there are other solutions including the one you mentioned. I just want a clear answer on whether <dmx-on:click> expressions do or do not work when applied to <option> elements in a <select> dropdown.

That’s correct

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