Dmx-class::notice-show used in a Wappler showcase - how is this done in Wappler?

Hi, I was admiring a Wappler showcase site today and looking at the code I noticed this (see below). Where is this found in Wappler? I would like to do something similar but I have not seen anything that adds a dmx-class::notice-show code element inside of my Wappler code.

Thx for any help in advance :smiley:

Which showcase are you referring to?

Hi Brad, it was this one

Hello Norm,
dmx-class:class-name is a dynamic class applied via dynamic attributes - in this case when the cookie doesn’t have a value… You can set any class on specific dynamic condition.
Please make sure to check the documentation explaining this: Dynamic Attributes

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OK, thanks - I’ll check it out today!!!

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