Display data store records in "Selected Value" of a select element

Hi !

Second post in a week to figure out some blocking points.

I have a select multiple element, it list the options from a server connect and everything is fine from that point.
I have a page flow that insert all of the stats in the data store at page load if the data store is empty (default stats waiting to be added/removed by the user).

The problem is on the “Selected Value” field. it need to display all of the records of my data store and then, the user can click to add or remove to be saved in the data store again.

<select id="select_stats" placeholder:"select..."="" is="dmx-select2" class="select2 form-select" multiple="true" name="select_stats" dmx-bind:options="query_stats_list.data.query_stats_list" optiontext="stat" optionvalue="stat_code" dmx-bind:value="user_selected_stats.data.stat_code" dmx-bind:name="user_selected_stats.data.stat>

The values wont shows except if i put the [0] in the value and name and it shows the first value of the data store. I know that there is a repeater or something similar but i don’t know where to put it :grimacing:

Thanks a lot for your help :dizzy:

Hi, looking at:

can you tell me what component are you using on your page?

Hi Teodor :slight_smile:

This is part of a code from the bootstrap template Vuexy that i’m using in my project (looks like it’s using the Select2 library). It is displaying the data like this:

Instead of this without the is=“dmx-select2”:

And here is the data store that can have all of this values or only certains depending on the user choice (you helped me yesterday on it):

There is no select2 component available in Wappler. You are most probably using some king of 3rd party plugin, that requires some hand coding. Can you please double check where did it come from exactly?

I understand, yes here is my package.json:

  "name": "Vuexy",
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So there is a “select2”: “4.0.13” installed.

I used the element Select2 “Primary” on this page:

In Wappler, i can see that it manage the element like a classic Select element:

Select2 is a custom third party script not available natively in Wappler. In order to use it you need some custom coding for initialization etc.

I get it, but the classic Select element itself give me the same issue… How to display all of the records of the data store in the “Selected Value” field?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Are you on the beta or stable channel?

Stable :slight_smile:

Well then your code should look like:

 <select id="select2" class="form-select" dmx-bind:options="query_stats_list.data.query_stats_list" optiontext="stat" optionvalue="stat_code"></select>

this will list all the records that are returned by your query_stats_list.data.query_stats_list

Yes, but the problem is not there, it’s already listing all of the data from the server connect query_stats_list.data.query_stats_list. The problem is on the Selected Value:

Capture d’écran 2023-08-22 à 16.04.43

What should i put since my data store only provide the first value? like this:

That’s why i was asking if there is something like a repeater to put in the local storage element or anything similar

ahh … now i got you. You need to provide the values there.
Select the data store > data > click formatter > collections > values and select the stat_code property.

Thanks Teodor appreciate it, it works :muscle: