Discobot stats are funny

Interesting Discobot reads alot but never posts :laughing:
What do you think about Discobot? Should he be connected then as a true API betatester when wappler integrates finally API? Maybe we should connect him to some Text analysis AI? :thinking:

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Hey my artifical friend @discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

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@discobot quote by the way how old are you discobot?

:left_speech_bubble: The odds of hitting your target go up dramatically when you aim at it. — Mal Pancoast

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@discobot fortune for Wappler

:crystal_ball: Yes definitely


@discobot how smart is @patrick?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

i guess the scale is of the charts

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