Digital Ocean droplet size

I have a relative small NodeJS app with mySQL database.
(Database is almost empty)
I tried to deploy my app to DO this morning and got a message that the droplet was full. The basic droplet is 25GB. Looking at the graphs in the Docker dashboard I can see that the disk space is at 100%.
Does it eat so much disk space so quickly with a simple app with a NodeJS server and MySQL server?

In the meantime I doubled the space to 50GB, let’s see how it goes.

Every deployment eats more space as the old docker images are stored. You don’t need more space - you can simply remove the old images by cleaning the app-server. You can do this on demand by clicking the highlighted button below or by logging into the server and issue a prune command as outlined below also



where is this? I don’t see it.

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That dropped me from 27% to 11%
Had never done that before.