Development, Staging and Production Targets

When beginning a new project, Wappler offers a target choice of Development, Staging and Production. Do you use all three modes of the Wappler target usage suggestions?

We know that the Development target is local, and that Production target is on the live domain. However, where is the Staging target placed? Where is, as some may call it, “the sandbox” placed for testing, tweaking, demonstrations, etc.? Is it remote, or is it in another folder on your local machine? Or do you place it on an “invisible domain” only seen by clients, etc.?

Where do you place your work for Staging purposes? Or do you even use Staging?

Staging (and it’s not a Wappler specific thing) is used for testing in “the same conditions and env” than production before pushing to production.
Let’s take a “classic” workflow :

  • you / devs are building on Wappler (dev target), testing locally and looks ok.
  • when they want to push a new version or feature, they send it to “staging” on a remote env that is exactly the same as production. Dev / stockholders / q&a can check the version on staging and send comments / bugs to dev.
  • if everything ok, you can push to production your last approved version from staging.
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I am a newbie in Wappler, and I was wondering if Dev version (local) project folder/files can be copied and used in the Live (production) computer? Does local Wappler project have some folders/files that are not supposed to be on the production side?
Best regards.