Design view loses styling after specific changes

In my case - after going out from Code view for Select component - Reload Design View brakes Design view as well.

As you see there is no changes made in side the page.

Could you generate and include here the debug log when the error happens?

I’m following this instructions How to report bugs together with the Wappler debug log - and ZIP archive contains only screenshot (142.3 KB)

I’m adding wappler.log from AppData\Roaming\Wappler\logs (1.9 KB)

Well checked the debug log and we tried to replicate your actions, but still everything works as expected,

Are you sure it happens every time?

Could you zip and send your whole sample project folder?

It happens 100% of the time in any project - just created or old ones.
My 2 last test projects that I’ve created for @Teodor is in attachment bellow. (368.6 KB)

But when does it happen? Just on any page when you hit refresh on design view?

Each time without doing any changes?

This is just a idea I’m still on Wappler 5.0.0 so haven’t tested or witnessed this yet but it seems you need to close and reopen the file for it to revert to normal. Has anyone tried removing and readding bootstrap when this happens?

Select any component - click on Data binding in any of the attribute - then click Cancel - then refresh the view - Design view is broken.

Could try on different project and different page? Seems like something larger doesn’t work with you. As we can’t replicate any of this.

Maybe you can try a clean install of Wappler and start over. See:

Yes please send the full project folder as zip

sent by PM

As I said above - this happens 100% of cases with any project - just created or old ones.

Will do this after today’s release.

same site

Well I’m happy to announce that we have found the bug! :sweat_smile:

It was introduced indeed a few updates ago, when we optimized out data pickers selection retaining.

So it will be all fixed in todays update! :partying_face:


What was the reason that you couldn’t replicate this issue right away? You have a different Wappler built?

well usually the issue auto resolved itself after additional changes, so that is why it was very difficult to track down

Fixed in Wappler 5.1.4

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