Deploying with docker problem

I have had a problem with docker deploying for a long time. Before version 6.4.1 I could, and had to deploy to a Hetzner server, without docker desktop installed. Then in wappler v6.4.1 it is required to have docker desktop installed.

My problem is that I get this error.

error during connect: Get “http://docker/v1.24/containers/json?all=1&filters={“label”%3A{“com.docker.compose.project%3Dxxxxxxxxxxx”%3Atrue}}&limit=0”: command [ssh -l root – docker system dial-stdio] has exited with exit status 255, please make sure the URL is valid, and Docker 18.09 or later is installed on the remote host: stderr=Host key verification failed.

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When I try to connect through terminal with the same ssh command it connects.

Then in wappler v 6.4.2 it suddenly worked again, docker desktop and wappler worked perfectly.

But when I installed v 6.5.0 it stopped working again. This could not be a problem with the host key because that one was working in 6.4.2.

No update of docker desktop between this wappler versions.

Well to deploy to hetzner you do need to have docker desktop installed.

Thats ok. But why did it work in v 6.4.2 and not in 6.4.1 and before that, and also not in 6.5.0?