Deploying Multiple Apps on Same Server via Docker in Wappler?

Read about this in 5.5.2 release.
Is there a doc on how this works? And how to configure this?
I haven’t used docker or the new resource manager in quite some time. So if there is a doc, please share.


No doc yet, but we will publish one in the coming days :slight_smile:

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Thanks. Waiting. :slight_smile:


I have also been looking at deploying multiple apps on the same server via Docker. Please share if any document is available on how to configure this.

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If someone has deployed with this new method I would love a quick walk-through, I rent some fairly large DO droplets and this is a feature I have been anticipating for a long time, but I’m scared to f$@k anything up haha, cheers!

@Teodor Bump.


@Teodor Almost 3 months now. There have been new releases around resource manager but still not doc on how to achieve multiple apps on same server via Wappler-Docker deployment method.

Hi Sid,

Sorry forgot to mention it here. You can follow:

This just DB. I am looking for a multi-app deployment doc specifically - which works with traefik, portainer etc.

Yes the example is for the Database but with exactly the same way you are adding other shared services like Traefik and Portainer and using those from the different projects.

Can you please create a doc? I have been asking for 3 months. I’m pretty sure it will not be exactly the same as database - since DB just has one thing to configure, and an app has multiple things.

I don’t understand the problem with creating docs for all the features Wappler has. I am not asking for every single use case - but reusing DB server is pretty different from reusing app server to host multiple apps - which qualifies for a detailed doc.

The workflow is exactly the same, instead of picking a database in the services menu, pick a system service and add it:

Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 12.33.51

Hi all, in the below video I show how to publish an app via Wappler and docker to the web. If you want to publish a second app to the same server then you select the same docker machine (from inside Wappler) and change the Web Server URL to be unique for the new app i.e. if the first app was published at then give the second app the Web Server URL of

To do this follow the steps from 11 mins 10 seconds in the video below.

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