Delete record detail that contains Summernote: Uncaught TypeError: this.editor.empty is not a function

There’s no problem with the deletion. Everything is normal except I get this error on Console every time record delete success.

dmxSummernote.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: this.editor.empty is not a function
    at n.setValue (dmxSummernote.js:7)
    at n.update (dmxSummernote.js:7)
    at n.$update (dmxAppConnect.js:7)
    at dmxAppConnect.js:7
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at n.$update (dmxAppConnect.js:7)
    at dmxAppConnect.js:7
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at n.$update (dmxAppConnect.js:7)
    at dmxAppConnect.js:7

Additional info:

  1. Summernote with data detail value located inside an update form within a modal
  2. Delete form also located within the same modal
  3. On delete success; hide modal, load the serverconnect, notify

*I’m not sure if this is a bug or my mistake.

What might be wrong and how to resolve. Thanks in advance.

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This is a summernote/Wappler bug. It throws this everytime its reset or made empty in our experience.
Thank you for posting the bug report. We did not bother because it does not really cause issues with the app.

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