Delete one page's cache from another

Hi Team,

I am trying to follow this tutorial : Data Caching with Local Storage in order to create a ‘Delete Cache’ button from my admin page and delete cache of some public page.

I am trying to follow this : Passing Values Between your Pages but I am still not getting it.
Anyone to help and clarify how to proceed? :smiley:


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Hello, what cache exactly do you want to delete? The video you mention shows how to cache server connect data source and how to reload the data without using the cached data?

What you are not getting? Can you explain more detailed what is the isue?

Thanks for your reply @Teodor.
The video concept is the same as what I am trying to do. The only difference is that I want to be to use a button so that I can delete the cache manually sometimes without waiting for the number of seconds set to expire.
Let’s say that I have a Serverconnect set on page.php and I want to have the button on admin.php. And when I click on the button it will go and reload the cached data on page.php
I hope it is clear :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance!

Your button should be on the page which data you want to reload.

Got it.
So basically, what I want to achieve here is not possible? :frowning:

I have figured this out following the instructions by creating the button and the server connect data on the same page.

Now cache is working fine but not for server connect with input parameters…Could you please advise ?

Do I also need to select the query manager variables ?

Hello, can you explain a little more detailed what do you mean?

Hey Teodor

I have a server connect data with 3 parameters to call and I have associated the local storage manager.
I am using a button to clear the cache but I realize that only the server connect data that do not have input parameters are reloading their cache when I press the button. I hope it is clear :slight_smile:

Any luck here? :slight_smile:

hi Mustafá! how you do to clean de cache?