Define global sessions vars

Is there a way to define global sessions vars ONE time, or do I have to repeatedly enter that variable name in every single server action’s “$_SESSION”? Just seems a terrible idea in case I ever needed to refactor it, including keeping any validation rules in sync.

The definition of all type of variables in GLOBALS is just for UI purpose.
Even if you don’t define them there, you can still access them in the steps.

But, with the definition you get the option to place validations like required and others.

I am not sure if the validations apply to session variables (haven’t tried that), but if that is your use case, you will have to create it on every server action manually.
You can open the server action in editor and paste a common JSON for $_SESSION to save some time.

And, when you need to refactor you can do a project wide search and replace.

Right, what I was afraid of, but ok, thanks.