Define global data

In app, there is a “define global data” button, what it is use for ?
Is a a variable we can set for the whole site having same id ?

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@Teodor, can you please shed some light on this? I too was wondering the same thing. Have started playing with NodeJS recently so have no idea what it does.


I did find that adding variables using Template Data button (for meta data), shows up under “Globals” heading when trying to use those variables.

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Maybe there is a documentation on this ?

The documentation I found is only about the meta tags… template data that is.

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Still wondering if it has a use (now manually adding vars to use with EJS in the routes.json)

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Reviving this topic, did anyone figure out the use of “define global data”?

Define template data seems to store its changes in routes.json whereas I am not able to see any change when adding a variable to “Define Global Data”.

This help?

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Excellent! Very clear, thank you so much