Default to Server Actions not App Flows

Please can we default the view back to Server Actions instead of App Flows? Not sure if there should be another button on the left vertical menu for App Flows as the tool-tip displays ‘Workflows’ instead of Server Actions…?

Hello Dave,
It should default to whatever you opened last there - server actions or app flows.
And if you haven’t opened it yet, it defaults to server connect.

Unfortunately opens the App Flows whatever I do. Small thing really in the grand scheme of this great update!

Are you on Windows or Mac? On my Mac it seems to work as intended by opening with the last used panel.

Maybe turn off experimental features and restart to reset the panel?

I’m on a Windows box here Brad. Appreciate the advice mate, cheers!


So even if you open server actions and close the panel and reopen it then it does not open server connect???

Exactly Teodor.

Weird, can’t recreate this here.

Are you sure you see app flows? We renamed tge main panel to workflows and there you see initially server actions and as second tab app flows.

So look carefully :slight_smile: maybe add a screenshot.

When switching Projects it always defaults to the App Flows panel. This is a two Project set-up in mobile so am not using Server Actions from within Project 1 they come from Project 2, and upon switching Projects you are shown the App Flows panel. Hope that clarifies the issue?


Ah yes well, that is because you don’t have server connect on mobile, so it switches to App Flows - if you open the panel and yes if you then switch at the same time to the different web project it will be still on app flows view.

Can we have it defaulting to Server Actions as they are the priority for manipulation over App Flows, surely? When switching Projects its rather annoying, petty I know, but annoying as my priorities lay with Server Actions over App Flows, am sure that will be the common situation for most…?


I see your point now. Having almost done my first app where I switched back and forth between the two projects very often I can see this being a problem.

Perhaps if there was some way to have the default set per project as the last one you used instead of carrying it over to a second project.

Nice catch, Dave.

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Will see what we can do :slight_smile: now that we get your point :slight_smile: