Date formatting not displaying?

I’m having a simple problem with displaying a date on my page that i must be missing something.

I have a Mysql field formatted with a Date/Time
If i put in the data on the page without any date formatting, it shows correctly

however, as soon as i put in the date formatter nothing displays.
<p class="card-text"><small class="text-muted">Last updated {{job_week.formatDate('MM-dd-yyyy')}}</small></p>

what am i overlooking here?

I think you just have incorrect casing in the format string. This should work for you: MM/DD/YYYY

Your page might be missing the necessary script includes for formatting. Have you used formatting through the Wappler UI? (rather than just hand-coding in code view)

i did use the formatting through Wappler. and i checked the DMX formatter, its script is on the page and the file is uploaded to the server.
<script src="../dmxAppConnect/dmxFormatter/dmxFormatter.js" defer></script>

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Check the browser console for errors and/or warnings.

yes, it does say a string is not defined
ferenceError: string is not defined at dmx.parseDate (dmxAppConnect.js:7:10140) at n.formatDate (dmxFormatter.js:7:8254) at dmxAppConnect.js:7:27179 at dmxAppConnect.js:7:24477 at dmx.parse (dmxAppConnect.js:7:24555) at dmxAppConnect.js:7:24215 at String.replace (<anonymous>) at dmx.parse (dmxAppConnect.js:7:24159) at n.<anonymous> (dmxAppConnect.js:7:33352) at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) d

Can you post a screenshot of the exact error in the console please?

Your site is using some old dmxAppConnect.js version. Make sure to update it, this will fix your issue.

okay, is there a process to updating this file? I thought it was automatically updated with each version?

You can follow this documentation: Updating Project Files :slight_smile:

It could already be updated locally, but maybe you’ve not pushed the files to your server.

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i did push the file again manually, but it still has the same issue.
It is running checking for updates, but its been running for about 6 minutes so far. I’m sure it shouldn’t take this long

Just restart Wappler and run the project update again. Or simply delete the file locally and resave your page, it will update to the latest version. Then you can upload it in the files panel.

okay, so i deleted it locally

restarted wappler and it told me all files were update to date

however, the file is still missing and didn’t update after saving the page.

Please do as i described …

Which version am i looking for on this? its showing Version: 1.12.3

Well maybe clear your browser cache :slight_smile:
Now i see the latest version on your site:

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 16.45.17

thank you