Database validation not showing on input

Wappler Version : 3.7.2
Operating System : Windows 10
Server Model: Node JS
Database Type: MariaDB
Hosting Type: Local

Framework: Bootsrap 5

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

Server validation message should show under the linked input.

Actual behavior

Input goes red, but no validation message appears


Add a validation step in an API action, with validation on the input. Message returns correctly but does not display under the input. I’ve tried with both required validation against the variable and a validation step within the action, both have the same result.

I have a PHP project with BS4 which works fine, have a feeling this may be BS5 related (or Node, using both for the first time).

Possibly linked to: Server side validation works but does not return message

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This could be the cause:

You probably have an old validator, remove the dmxValidator.js and resave the file. It should then copy a new file. Bootstrap 5 support was added with the last validator update.

@ben where does one find the serverconnectForm.js file? Is it now part of dmxAppConnect.js perhaps? I’ve searched my site folder for it and it’s nowhere. It’s not linked to my page either if it’s supposed to be. I’m on the post that @sbecks linked to as being possibly related.

serverconnectForm.js is a virtual file from the source maps, the file is indeed bundled in the dmxAppConnect.js file.

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Hmm, just tried deleting both the dmxValidator JS & CSS. The file has recreated I’ve cleared the cache but the message still doesn’t show, message is returned correctly in devtools and the input border shows red .

Validator version is 1.2.0 build 07/01/2021.