Database query creates additional variable

Wappler Version : 4.0.3
Operating System : Windows 10 x64
Server Model: NodeJS
Database Type: PostgreSQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

Server action should interact with value from Post

Actual behavior

Server action creates additional value instead

How to reproduce

  1. Create API action
  2. Create numeric Post value
  3. Add Database action. For example: Update
  4. In Database update action set value as - Value from step 2 + 1

There is additional expected behaviour which is to create POST variables, not just to interact with those you’ve added - eg if you add a database insert or update and haven’t added any POST variables/linked to a form, Wappler will populate the list of POST variables, based on the selected columns in the query. This is often a useful feature but sometimes produces variables you don’t actually want. In your example, you would of course never want such a variable, but I don’t think it would be possible for Wappler to get it right every time.

@TomD I got your point, but I’m not doing anything but trying to add to numeric post value + 1. This is pretty much basic action.
As as current workaround - yes, I’m creating variable which holds value from post and I’m interacting with it.

I only replied to mention the matter of POST variables being created automatically in some circumstances. I think this is a fairly recent change; I think it’s useful but it puzzled me before I realised what was happening.

Isn’t the +1 issue/workaround a different matter - related to your other recent post?

I think two topics that I’ve created recently are related to same bug either with data types or with data binding logic, but… I’m not a programmer, I’m not the one who created Wappler and @Teodor asked me to create another bug report.

I agree - they’re related, but different (at least as far as I understand it).

One bug is that you can’t perform calculations correctly in some cases. Eg adding 1 to a variable will be treated as a string concatenation rather than addition. This is potentially rather serious and should be fixed. One workaround is to use a variable instead of the number.

The other bug (the subject of this thread) is that POST variables may be created from expressions in a way that serves no purpose - but doesn’t cause any issues/errors*. This ideally should be fixed but is probably not that easy to fix. No workaround is needed, but the superfluous POST variables can be deleted.
(*unless I’ve misunderstood the issue)

Seems related to this which will be fixed in next update

This has been fixed in Wappler 4.0.4

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