I created a local docker development with a docker Postgres database. Everything was great. I created an EC2 and launched a docker staging environment. All good. However, for production, I need my database to be AWS RDS Postgres. I created another EC2 with docker deployment, set up my RDS database. Since I couldn’t figure out how to migrate my schema from my development docker DB I re-created it in the new remote database (I could not apply changes like I could for my docker DB in the staging environment). I then had to change all of my server connect API actions to reflect the new database.
Now things get messy. When I try to use my development docker, it will not log in to my site, because my server connect actions are all looking at my AWS database to work. If I try to change the target of my development database to the new AWS RDS database, I get the following error when I try to deploy:
There has to be a better way to go from development to live database. I have not seen any tutorials that have helped me understand this issue. Would love some advice!
Ok, I think I fixed the issue logging into site on development docker. I had to allow IP access to the RDS since I wasn’t at home where it previously worked.
However, I would still love a great tutorial (maybe short video on YouTube) on how to develop in docker environment with a docker DB and then launch a live site with remote database without messing everything up and recreating the schema, changing server connect API, etc. Is this possible?
Also, when I use the RDS database in my development setting, it obviously makes those changes in the live setting since it is the same database. However, I cannot seem to figure out how to have a separate development and live database without going back and forth changing server connect API to point to different databases. I must be missing something. What does setting the target really do anyways? I have my target as Docker DB, but using my RDS database. If I change target to the RDS, then I get that error I mentioned above.
BTW, otherwise Wappler has been awesome. Coming from Bubble and I have really enjoyed being able to do a little more coding and learning how to navigate these issues.