Database Manager showing incorrect dates

Wappler Version : 3,6,1
Operating System : OSX Big Sur
Server Model: NodeJs
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Docker

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?

this is based on an existing thread and I thought I would report this as a bug so it is noted:

I have a date field in my database and when I add data to a field using a query or directly in the Database Manager (see screenshot)
Then wen saving the table and fetch the table the data in the field should show the correct data.

Screenshot 2021-01-02 at 11.05.41

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

After adjust the date (to 2021-01-02), save the sable and re-fetch the data from the database, the date shows 1970-01-02
But when opening the same database in an external editor the correct data shows.
Also querying the data on a page shows the correct data.

Screenshot 2021-01-02 at 10.59.27


Hi @Mennovandijk, I came across the same bug yesterday. I’m happy to use an alternative sql viewer like you mentioned in your other post until this is fixed as I am checking that I am using the database inserts correctly - I’m just starting out with Wappler.

Unfortunately I can’t locate the database/table. Sorry for such a basic question but are you able to tell me where the file location should be within the project structure?

Hi Marek,
welcome to the wappler community.

I don’s really understand your question. You mean the database in the file/system browser?
Well, I am not sure where the data is really stored on the system (I am pretty new to this myself).
When using an external SQL app, you can export a SQL file and use that to generate a database on a different server/location for example.

Hi. Thanks for getting back.

In your linked post you said

“Teodor, I am watching the table now in an external program (RazorSQL) and there the data displays the correct dates.”

I assume from this that you have been able to open the table you were updating in Wappler to check that the correct dates were inserted even though they display incorrectly in Database Manager.

I have searched through the Wappler project folder structure and can’t see the table I am updating. So my question was how to locate that table so it can be opened (by RazorSQL in your case) or whether you exported it in some way.

When you run your external SQL app you use the same login credentials as set in Wappler. There you can access the database and tables

Thank you

when you install docker for Visual studio Code you can browse the the files in the docker images.
Don’t know if that is of any help

Thanks. I had a look at this. The screen shows shows the table initialisation when MySQL is first setup in the project. I created a new table and can see this within Docker at var/lib/mysql but it is stored as a binary.

I have been trying to access the table using SQLTools in VS Code and get access denied errors. Did you need to change any permissions when you used RazorSQL?

Problem sorted. I used the wrong credentials in SQLTools. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction

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