Hi All,
I’m on a trial version of Wappler to test out functionality. I tried connecting to a MySQL database per the instructions in https://docs.wappler.io/t/creating-database-connections-with-the-new-database-manager/20664
However, I found that my version of Wappler only includes SQLite as an option in the Database Manager (included a screenshot of what it looks like).
Couldn’t find any other discussion post with this problem - appreciate any help!
June 18, 2022, 1:14pm
Can you please post your screenshot again?
Ah sorry, looks like it didn’t post properly the first time! Let’s try again.
June 19, 2022, 8:49am
What development environment and server model have you selected when you set up your project?
Ah that must be the problem… I tried again using a blank web template with a development target and that worked.
Previously what I had tried with was with a pretty much blank Framework7 Desktop template with electron 4.0.3 selected.
June 20, 2022, 11:10am
You need a web project (can also be blank) to see all the available databases.