Database Manager and Relational Tables

I have several foreign keys that I set up in Navicat. How do I get them to sync in Wappler Database Manager?

Single field foreign keys should be picked up by Wappler already and displayed as “reference” type fields.

What kind of keys do you have?

Just the very basic single field keys. Ones that I had set up before the database Manager it picked up correctly. Any new ones I create in Navicat do not get picked up in the database manager.

Not sure if it’s a bug or I am missing a step to sync it.

well you do have to hit the refresh button in the Database Manager to get any schema changes…

Schema info is cached in Wappler to avoid unnecessary connects to your database.

Okay thanks that worked. Thought for sure I tried that. :beers:

But while we are on topic:

1: Tables still need to be sorted alphabetically :slight_smile:
2: Can we not expand all tables on refresh/save? I have over 30 tables, some with about 30 fields in them. Takes forever to find what you are looking for or close all the tables. I don’t see any reason to expand them?

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will improve that for the next beta

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