Database connections

I’m struggling to fully understand how to properly set up database connections. I have previously managed to setup a Database query that displays data in a repeat region. this works but if I access the connection details from 'Database Manager it shows an error even though tables appear under the connection indicating it has connected. If I select the connection from Globals and view connection options and test it connects ok. So why does it appear to not except the details from Database Manager?

Thanks in Advance!

What platform are you using and what type of database. Many online hosts require different settings for direct database table access and a direct database connect needs to be set up.

For example a host i use a lot would have these settings for global database connections.

but for database manager they need

The Database Manager requires a direct connection to your database, while the one in server connect is a “local” connection from the server. In most of the cases these are using different credentials/urls.

Thanks @Hyperbytes and @Teodor . I’m using MAMP pro and its just a Localhost testing environment. So what extra credentials do I need and where will I see these. I’ve never had to use different credentials before in all the years i’ve used MAMP with dreamweaver.

If you are using MAMP I would not expect different settings to be needed, it tends to be a feature of online hosts for security reasons.
Not a MAMP Pro user myself but perhaps a permissions issue?
Database Connections are issued form localhost, database manager connections are direct form Wappler.
Sorry I can help further but i am neither a MAMP or Mac user

So what’s your issue exactly in database manager? Did you setup a connection there?

My issue is more just to have an understanding of the set up. I setup my connection from Globals/database connections. I had the Direct Connections slider on, thinking I needed to setup the connection in DB manager. I just don’t understand what the difference is and why I would need this connection if what I have already works.

Wappler (the app on your computer) needs a way to connect to the database, which MAY be different from the code you deploy to any number of places.

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If it works then there is no need to change the settings, however some hosts, as i said, need different settings. It’s all down the the individual setup/configuration of your site.
With WAMP (windows equivalent of MAMP) the settings are identical and no changes are needed

Right thanks @Hyperbytes and @mebeingken… I’ll just leave as is. Probably over complicating this… I think I’ve been stuck in a dreamweaver bubble for too long.