Database connection not updated with wappler 6

My project was created a few years ago. I have around 200 tables in my database. Database connection works correctly until wappler 5.8
With version 6, the connection to the database is not updated if I make changes to tables (by adding a field for example) or when I add a new table directly in phpMyAdmin. Has anyone else had this problem? Will this be fixed with updates?

A query that correctly displays the table fields (wappler 5.8)

Same query does not show fields (6.4.2)

Find the Refresh Full Schema button, you’ll need to do this every time you change tables/columns outside Wappler

Thanks for your reply. Refresh done

Capture d'écran 2024-04-13 170850
Capture d'écran 2024-04-13 171229

There seems to be an issue, I’m moving this topic to bug reports

Error calling getConnectionTables. invalid connection object given

Hi Apple,
Any update on this error ?

I see this error when database is not defined under direct connection.
Can you check if the admin database has the credentials inside? (on direct connection, not global)

Hi Franse,
This seems to work, thanks

Fixed in Wappler 6.5.2

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