Database connection fails in 4.0

Wappler Version :4.0.0
Operating System : windows 10
Server Model: php
Database Type: mysql
Hosting Type: shared

Expected behavior

expected behavior

database connecting test fine

Actual behavior

What actually happens?

Test Connection takes a while then fails with message

How to reproduce

I was trying to set up a new web site with database connection ad was having issues
I opened another site that is functioning and active and tested the connection that was carried forward from the old version and got the same error

Try using the same credentials in a sql server app like Dbeaver or SSMS to check if they are correct or not.
This message usually is not a Wappler error.

My password had changed. I added a database to try the new version and the only thing I can think is that it got changed when i assigned the user to the database. The timing to the newer version led me to believe it was that. Thanks