Data View - odd behaviour

This seems like a bug

I wanted to try a data-view to do some client-side filtering, paging etc. but it seems that the methods to move pages or go to a specific page don’t work as I understand they should. Page 1 is different each time you work through the pages and often you end up with blank arrays coming out of the data view.

It looks like the datasource is being filtered and overwriting itself - cloning the data in the setPage function appears to resolve it.


There also appears to be some inconsistent behaviour in the prev/next functions - references to rather than cause NaN in the page property and make those buttons fail


Converting to a bug and bumping

I’m currently avoiding upgrading Wappler each week because I don’t want to have to spend the time correcting the files that get overwritten.

Here an update, please test it: (1.7 KB)

Looks good so far. Thanks @patrick

Fixed in Wappler 5.3.1

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