So I have a discount_codes table with columns and values like this:
validity_status valid_from valid_to (meaning...)
a (valid all the time)
d 2021-04-06 2021-04-08 (valid between dates)
d 2021-04-08 2021-04-10 (valid between dates)
I want to add a new column called is_valid, which based on the user’s time in their time zone (local_time), will indicate which of these 3 codes are valid (so today, 7 April it should be the first and the second ones listed above only.)
It would be very useful if this were possible. As you mentioned @patrick in your reply, and possibly adding this option, is it necessary to add a feature request (unless one has already been made)?
(On a related matter: I was going to have a look at the documentation for transformations but all the screenshot images are broken.)
I was looking for this exact same behaviour. I too misunderstood “Data Transformation” to actually be able to do the transformation based on the data in the other columns. That would be extremely useful, and I have to assume, quite a common use-case.