I have quite a complex project that has a lot of elements (probably could be tidied) and have noticed the search time for the data picker slowing down dramatically. I have seen posts by others who have experienced this too.
What I have noticed is that when copy and pasting an id into the search, the result appears almost instantly. What it looks like is that it is starting a search on every key press. When each search takes a few seconds and you type several letters, it seems to be adding quite an overhead.
Just hoped that spotting this might help refine that element of the UI.
If I remember reading correctly, the search starts looking once something is inputed into the search field. So when you paste something in, the search would be instant because the complete word or phrase being entered was pasted. In contrast, when you type something in manually, the search starts looking when the first character is entered and then starts over when the second character is entered, etc.
I believe that the solution was something to do with debounce (although I have not used it personally).
Here is one of the topics that discusses it. While not exactly on point, it discusses how to use debounce to delay a server connect response based on time.
Thanks @scott, I appreciate the response.
This is the search in the Data Picker in the Wappler UI, not on a page, that Iām talking about. It will be @george/the Wappler team that have to add a debounce to the program to solve it.
Hey there @bpj, sorry I misunderstood what you meant.
I see George has already been assigned to look into this, but for my understanding, would you be willing to post a screenshot of what part of the UI you are referring to?
It may be a part of Wappler that I have never used.