Data displaying in modal

Hi guys,

I am having a strange issue:

In my page I have a serverconnect that pulls data from a table (names and pictures). Then i have a modal with a repeat that displays the pictures but when I try to display another data (name or id) i get: [object Object]

 <input id="face_name" name="face_name" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Add a name" required="" data-msg-required="Add a name" dmx-bind:value="face_name">

The images are dsiplaying without issue...

I feel like it's a matter of loading time, could it be?

Can you provide the code from your entire modal body so we can see what you are trying to do? I suspect it is where you are getting your binding from.

And what is even stranger is that the first {{face_name}} will show and the second will be [object Object]

First thing I would try (not sure if it is the problem or not) is change the name of your form input ID's as they are the same your binding.

yep I just find out it was that. Thank you

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