Data Detail does not correctly show concatenated field values in Beta channel

Wappler Version: 6.3.1 Beta
Operating System: Windows 11
Server Model: Capacitor
Database Type: N/A
Hosting Type: N/A

Expected behavior

The dynamic expressions should return the concatenated values. If any of the expression values is blank, the fields with values are still returned. This works in Stable channel.

Actual behavior

In the Beta channel, if any of the concatenated field’s values are blank then none of the field values are returned.

How to reproduce

  1. Setup a data detail.
  2. Concatenate multiple values from the data detail, where some of the fields will not have a value.

Example: {{' '' '' '}}

This should have been fixed in the last update, here is the latest version: (114.8 KB)

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Thanks @patrick. I updated to 6.3.2 and can confirm the issue no longer appears in it in Beta channel.

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