Ctrl+Tab Not Working As Expected 3.7.3

Wappler Version : 3.7.3
Operating System : W10

Expected behavior

Ctrl+Tab should switch to the next open tab.

Actual behavior

Ctrl+Tab either works in reverse order, or just jumps between tabs randomly.
Ctrl+Shift+Tab also works in a similar incorrect manner.
Sometimes, in some systems, we are also seeing the shortcut to work just once and then just stop.

How to reproduce

Open multiple tabs from various places in the project in Wappler 3.7.3, and try to switch tabs using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Tab.

To add to this…
Shortcut Ctrl+W closes all the tabs. Closing from close button works fine.
Shortcut Ctrl+S uploads the saved files ~10 times to FTP. Saving from menu works fine.

I’ve been having similar problems, but the problems change. For example, I found that pressing F12 to open a page in a browser was opening the same page many times - probably up to 20 or 30, but it varied. However, if I clicked on design view, only one page was opened; the problem only occured if I was in code view before pressing the button. I could reproduce this reliably, until I restarted Wapper and the issue has gone for the time being.

I’ve had similar problems with the shortcuts I use most: Alt+ F and S. The first thing I do when I open Wappler is press Alt+F to display File Manager. Recently it hasn’t been working initially, but only after trying a number of times (unless I give up and use the icon). However, it seems it will work reliably, as it always has, if I click onto the design view panel first - which is related to the other issue I mentioned.

At the moment, my cursor is in code view and none of the critical keyboard shortcuts work: Alt F, S, G, T etc. and Ctrl+Alt+F. If I click onto the design view or App Structure panels, they all work reliably.

I think I have seen the same… Most issues occur when in code view.

Yes, but I don’t think I’ve come across issues where keyboard shortcuts worked or not, depending on where your cursor was before pressing the keys.

We found the issue and it will be fixed in this week’s update.

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Presumably this applies to the various issues with shortcut keys - not just the one in the title of this thread.

Yes it does.


This has been fixed in Wappler 3.7.4

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