If I create a page in nodejs am I able to later turn part of it into a layout and the body into content pages or do I need to plan that out first.
And secondly are the BS4 Navigation components in wappler not really working? Specifically, the Brand component seems to not allow the ability to change the text of that element or completely replace it with a logo. Am I better building a navbar from scratch because this is unreliable?
Hi @Excede,
I can’t answer the first part but in terms of the navbar brand, you should be able to add an image as a child of the brand element. If you wish, this could have a dynamic src (set via dynamic attributes).
With nodeJS you have an option to create a layout page or a content page. Your layout page has an area where the content pages appear. So you need to create a layout page first, this is usually the part of layout which doesn't change across your different pages - navbar, footer etc.
Then you can create your content pages from this layout page.
You can edit the text or use image there as Ben explained.
Hi Teodor, thanks I understand but let’s say I build a whole page (not a layout or content page) and then I want to turn that into a layout and content page after getting it just right. In other words, make components after the full page is designed and working the way I want, is that possible?