Creating Offcanvas Sidebar with Bootstrap 5


You can add hidden sidebars for your web sites and apps for navigation, shopping carts, and more which appear from the left, right, or bottom edge of the viewport. You can show and hide them using buttons, links or other elements on your page. You can also control the Offcanvas Sidebars using App Connect dynamic events.
This is possible thanks to the Offcanvas component in Bootstrap 5.

Creating Offcanvas Sidebar

We created a simple Bootstrap 5 page, where we want to add the Offcanvas component.
Open the App Connect panel, select App and add a new component:

Open the Components menu and select Dynamic Offcanvas:

The Offcanvas component has been added on your page.


You can find its properties in the Properties panel:

You can select the position of the Offcanvas - Start, End or Bottom.
Start - The Offcanvas appears from the left edge of the viewport
End - The Offcanvas appears from the right edge of the viewport
Bottom - The Offcanvas appears from the bottom edge of the viewport

Customize the rest of the options as you need:

Scroll - Allow body scrolling while offcanvas is open
Auto Show - Show the officanvas when the page loads
No Backdrop - Disable the backdrop on page body while offcanvas is open
No Keyboard - Disable closing of the offcanvas when escape key is pressed


The offcanvas component contains a header and body.
You can add your content in the offcanvas body:

Controlling Offcanvas

You can control the Offcanvas Component using any any element on your page.

Using Action Toggle

The easiest way to control the offcanvas is using a button. Select your button and open the Action Toggle menu:

Select Offcanvas:

And select your offcanvas in the menu:

Using Dynamic Events

You can also use App Connect Dynamic Events to Open, Close or Toggle the offcanvas:

Select the event you want to use, in our case on click:

And click the Action Picker button:

Select Show under the Offcanvas Component and add it:

Click Select and you are done:

You can preview the page in the browser:


Is OffCanvas scrollable if the content is too long for viewing in a mobile app?

Can you set how far the canvas pops out?

A scrollbar automatically appears if the content is too long.

.offcanvas {
  width: 250px; /*adjust as neccessary
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Awesome, thank you @ben!

I have followed the procedure and when I press the “Primary Button” the offcanvas region appears briefly and then disappears again.

When I refresh the page the offcanvas region appears, I click the X to make it dissapear and it works, but the when I press again the “Primary Button” the offcanvas region appears only briefly. Please advise what I may be doing wrong. Best. Jay

How do you call/control/open the offcanvas on your page?

Awesome! Thank you for the add on

is there a way to push the main content when off canvas is visible?


Problem solved! I was using a font awesome icon inside a button inside a column, when I started using only a font awesome icon in the column the problem went away.

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Thanks for posting your solution. I was having the same issue and this fixed it for me as well.