Creating a delete image from image gallery

I always follow @ben tutorials for creating an Image Gallery. However since Wappler 6.x some seem not to work anymore. I am having serious problems with chapter 21 Delete an image.
On the page I can click the X to open the DeleteModal

DataView and DataDetail are as in the tutorial

But the form remains completely empty.

Is this a bug or is it me (again)?

Hi Jacques, two of the input fields id_alb and afbeelding are showing errors. What are these errors?

Ah. Double id_names. Corrected this.

Does it fix the issue?


The data detail name in the form is incorrect. It should be dd_images instead of ddimages.

Repaired, still no joy.

Is dd_images getting populated correctly? Check in the dev console whether the data detail is showing the correct values.

As usual it wasn’t Wappler, but me. Forgot to select the datadetail in the button dynamic event

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